I love me some later Cohen. The early stuff is a little too folky for me. Don't get me wrong, I can get totally into some folky stuff but most of it is new unless it's Donovan or some random old songs. I like Cohens newer shit because he's dirty and offensive it's in a way, rather attractive. In the same way people are attracted to innocence, I think the same for filth. It's like not giving a fuck. And at some point everyone wants to not give a fuck even if it's for like an hour. I feel that way when I listen to some of his songs. He is not an everyday listen to but he grabs a hold of the mood by the tits and balls. Ya gotta love him even if you don't like the music. And JD is what lead me to my whiskey love. It's the only whiskey I drank for a few years. It's perfect. Not too sweet, not too bitter and good price. Plus I'm pretty sure they did a dramatization on the makers death on the show A 1000 Ways To Die. That equals awesome in my book. I do enjoy my Bulliett bourbon, and my Glenfiddich amd Jameson scotch but I will always go back to Jack. I have never heard of the whiskey you speak of. I also noticed you spell whiskey without an e. Don't meet many of those.
I do not disagree with your conversation statement. I was briefly dating this nice guy, thought maybe I would be his girlfriend until we actually had a real conversation and I said, after a long winded and twisted explanation, "Sorry, my mind goes a million miles a minute, I all over every tangent.." and he replied "Ha, that's ok, my mind goes like a mile a minute." Like I said, nice guy but a simpleton. We were not a good match. On a side note, his brother and friends were ridiculous smart.
Ah the Christian thing. I was raised Catholic. Holy first communion, sunday school, Our Father, Holy Mary, the whole deal. My mom said she never taught me my prayers, I just one day recited the entire thing in the car randomly. I never questioned his existence. Ever. Did I briefly flirt with the idea of Satanism? Kinda. But I was young and confused and it was purely superficial. I changed my mind pretty quickly. My short journey to the "darkside" was just me building from my my sadness, apathy and serious curiosity of the macabre. I thought it was where I belong until I realized I wasn't evil. This of course was many many years ago. Catholicism had too many rules that seemed to stray away from the main point of Christianity. I had a very close friend explain and shed some light that made me open to being religious without being so "man made rule" restrictive. I found I never really lost my faith. The forced binding to certain rules and lack of free will to experience faith as you feel and see fit forces otherwise strong believers into a corner with only a small hole to fit their belief system into. I found as much as find church boring, I respect it. (Oddly enough, I only enjoy Catholic services and churches). I don't get into specifics because I believe your relationship to God or a higher power is very personal. My nerd friends try to throw science in my face but I remind them that they can explain just as much about God as they can about the Big Bang theory. Or anything in science. You can divide and divide and divide but a some point you gotta say "where the fuck is coming from?" We found cells and atoms and quarks but there is always gonna be something smaller or greater and you just can't explain or understand it. Where do you go from there? You don't have to get on your knees and pray to Jesus but you can't even tell me what happens with matter that enters black holes? Talk about blind faith..
So weed. Used to be a wake and baker in high school. For two and a half years I was pretty much high every day. Then I woke up and said, nah, not for me anymore, it's boring. Now I do it maybe 2 to 4 times a year and very little when I do. I'm a light weight when it comes to that. Plus so many of my friends are soo boring high it's not worth it. But I don't give a fuck if someone does, legalize it, smoke it, eat it I don't care.
Everyone chooses pony boy, why not soda pop?
It's funny that you say your usually the only white dude in your groups of friends lately cuz almost all my friends are white or mexican. But that's always been the case for me. I think I have 1 black friend, ha! Shit, I'm getting drunker and hanging too much on turntable..
I only like the first 2 BMRC albums. Sigur Ros is awesome. All that other shit is foreign to me. If I'm not listen to Pandora or turntable it's NPR, KCRW KXLU or talk radio or podcasts.
I can respect the love of bikes but to me it's not worth the risk. Driver or passenger. And how fucking tall do you need to be? I'm almost 5'9 wtf?
Shit, it's getting late and I need to go to smoke and then sleep. So real quick, Wild Turkey is tolerable for an only means for getting drunk, I like coffee flavored things except coffee, I love cigarettes, I'm messy but not gross, Orchestra Boabab sounds like new age, world music noise. If it's not, I'd give it a listen; Daniel Tosh and Henry Rollins are my heroes, never been out of the country, its spelled Jim Beam not bean and to much peoples horror and shock, I don't know how to ride a bicycle. Good evening and good night, ha!
P.S. My name is not Mary.
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